Fleet Foxes
If you’ve gotten in my car over the past two years, the likelihood of Fleet Foxes blasting through the speakers was HIGH. I’ve been a fan of the band for most of my adulthood (Ragged Wood was one our wedding recessional songs!) and they are always a mainstay on my Fall / Winter playlists. But sometime during quarantine, I crossed over from seasonal listener to full-fledged fangirl.
Their Shore album quickly became the soundtrack of my days as I worked on home projects, dug in the dirt to build a garden, drove to and from my job, washed dishes, went on nightly walks. I couldn’t get enough!
So two weeks ago, it felt like a full circle moment to see Fleet Foxes in concert at The Greek. IT WAS INCREDIBLE. Life-changing, even! I don’t think I stopped smiling the entire weekend. I decided to upgrade our tickets a few days before the show and I’m so glad I did. We were about 12 rows back from the stage and could see everything so clearly. Ahhh, it was the best night ever.
Now I’m keeping my fingers crossed that they’ll do another lap through LA! 🤞🏼